Grid Layout

Use a grid layout to position children at fixed intervals. Objects are placed in cells in column-row-layer order.

Grid layout

Grid Layout Options

Grid layout options
Cell Type Rectangular or Hexagonal cells.
Columns Number of columns.
Rows Number of rows.
Layers (v3.0) Number of layers.
Column Direction Direction of the columns. Children are placed in column-row-layer order.
Row Direction Direction of the rows. Children are placed in column-row-layer order.
Layer Direction (v3.0) Direction of the layers. Children are placed in column-row-layer order.
Column Size (v3.0) Determines the column size of the cell. If set to Fill, the object size is divided by the number of columns.
Row Size (v3.0) Determines the row size of the cell. If set to Fill, the object size is divided by the number of rows.
Layer Size (v3.0) Determines the layer size of the cell. If set to Fill, the object size is divided by the number of layers.
Column Spacing Adds empty space between columns.
Row Spacing Adds empty space between rows.
Layer Spacing (v3.0) Adds empty space between layers.
Align Aligns each item within its cell.

Flexalon Grid Cell (v3.0)

Normally, Flexalon Grid Layout will position children in column-row order. If you want to specify which cell a child should occupy, you can add a Flexalon Grid Cell component. This child will be skipped when positioning children in column-row order. The Grid Cell component can also allow multiple children to occupy the same cell.