Flexalon Template Pack

The Flexalon Template Pack constains 16 working examples to study from and copy into your scenes.

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Flexalon Templates Pack


  1. Create or open a Unity project (version 2019.4 or newer).
  2. Add Flexalon 3D Layouts to your project from the package manager. How do I import an asset store package?
  3. Import the FlexalonTemplates package. How do I import a local asset packages?
  4. Open the scene FlexalonTemplates/Scenes/FlexalonTemplates.unity.
    • If you don't have TextMeshPro in your project, you may be prompted to import TextMeshPro essentials. Import TextMeshPro and reopen the scene.
  5. Explore the scene! Press play to see the animations and interactables in action.

Play Mode Controls:

  • Click on a template to zoom in.
  • Press ESC to zoom out.
  • Click and drag to rotate the camera.
  • Use WASD or arrow keys to move the camera.

Template 1: Align Layout

Learn how to use an Align Layout to place objects on floors and walls.

Template 1

Template 2: Flexible Layout

Learn different possible configurations of a Flexible Layout.

Template 2

Template 3: Grid Layout

Learn different possible configurations of a Grid Layout.

Template 3

Template 4: Shape Layout

Learn different possible configurations of a Shape Layout.

Template 4

Template 5: Circle Layout (Part 1)

Learn different possible configurations of a Circle Layout.

Template 5

Template 6: Circle Layout (Part 2)

Learn different possible configurations of a Circle Layout.

Template 6

Template 7: Animating a Curve Layout

Learn two different ways to animate objects along a Curve Layout.

Template 8: Drawing Shapes with a Curve Layout

Learn how to draw shapes with a Curve Layout.

Template 8

Template 9: Dynamic Constraint Targets

Learn how to change a constraint target at runtime to create interesting interactions.

Template 10: Bounding Box

Learn how to build a bounding box that surrounds an object of any size without growing thicker.

Template 10

Template 11: Layout Physics

Learn how to configure rigid bodies to animate with Flexalon Rigid Body Animators.

Template 12: Unity Canvas + Flexalon

Learn how Flexalon can be used to arrange and resize a Unity Canvas.

Template 12

Template 13: Flexalon Interactables

Learn how Flexalon Interactables can be configured to drag objects between layouts.

Template 14: Random Flexalon Cloner

Learn how Flexalon Cloner can generate a random sequence of objects into a layout.

Template 14

Template 15: Data Bound Flexalon Cloner

Learn how Flexalon Cloner can generate text objects based on an input field's text data.

Template 15

Template 16: Random Modifier

Learn how Flexalon Random Modifier can modify the results of any layout.

Template 16